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Leeman A, et al. Expression of p16 and HPV E4 on biopsy samples and methylation of FAM19A4 and miR124-2 on cervical cytology samples in the classification of cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions.

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Jenkins D, et al. Molecular and pathological basis of HPV-negative cervical adenocarcinoma seen in a global study.

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Dekker H, et al. Human papillomavirus 16-positivesupraclavicular cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma metastatic to the level IVsupraclavicular lymph nodes.

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Souza G, et al. Prevalence of oral and blood oncogenic human papillomavirus biomarkers among an enriched screening population: Baseline results of the MOUTH study.

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van der Zee RP, et al. Characterisation of analintraepithelial neoplasia and anal cancer in HIV-positive men by immunohistochemical markers p16, Ki-67, HPV-E4 and DNA methylation markers.

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Shim TN, et al. The prevalence of human leucocyte antigen and human papillomavirus DNA in penile intraepithelial neoplasia in England 2011-2012.

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Sanchez DF, et al. Detection of variable genotypes in common human papillomavirus-associated invasive penile squamous cell carcinomas: a study of 177 human papillomavirus-positive cases.

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Gosens KCM, et al. Therapeutic vaccination against human papillomavirus Type 16 for the treatment of anal Intraepithelial neoplasia in HIV+ men.

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Mena M, et al. Concordance of p16INK4a and E6*I mRNA among HPV-DNA-positive oropharyngeal,laryngeal, and oral cavity carcinomas from the ICO international study.

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Hammer A, et al. Evidence of latent HPV infection in older Danish women with a previous history of cervical dysplasia.