Cerba Research continues to monitor the global COVID-19 pandemic and we have an established team of experts who review our business operations on a daily basis and implement actions to respond to changes in the global environment. We are committed to ensure business continuity to support our biomarker, central laboratory and in-vitro diagnostics services and ensure the well-being and safety of our employees, our customers, investigator sites and the participants. We continue to review the updated guidance from the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and national and government organisations and adapt our business continuity plan as the situation evolves.
We have taken the following actions to mitigate risk and maintain business continuity;
- Flexible and home working arrangements for all office-based employees in all our affiliates.
- For our sample handling, kit building, logistics, warehouse and laboratory staff, additional safety measures have been implemented and rotational working arrangements to allow business continuity.
- In the event any of our affiliates cannot continue operations due to government mandated closures, we will communicate updates to any impacted sites and customers.
- Implementation of a travel advisory and all employees will not be permitted to travel, unless extreme circumstances require it.
- We continue to monitor courier services and contingency plan to minimize any disruption to our customer base. Please note, the situation is very dynamic and is subject to change at any given time. We have confirmed all couriers have contingency plans in place and are using all necessary means to offer service. We are enacting our own contingency plans to ensure we have solutions in place should the current/standard courier be unable to deliver. In the event there are impacted areas within country where couriers are not able to access sites due to government mandated closures, we will provide updates to sites via the local courier offices and communicate updates to sites and customers.
- All sites will be provided a communication update this week and advised to contact their local courier office to check the latest information on sample collection services before scheduling their patient visits. All sites will also be requested to check the Cerba Research website for the latest information related to our operational services.
If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact your Cerba Research Project Manager.