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Poster – Validation Of A Flow Cytometry Assay On Cytek® Aurora To Monitor Immune Cells In Peripheral Whole Blood For Clinical Trials

Discover the cutting-edge of immune monitoring in global clinical trials. Our 14-color assay, validated meticulously for hematological malignancies, utilizes spectral flow cytometry for a comprehensive understanding of T cells, B cells, NK cells, monocytes, and subsets. Elevate standards in drug development and improve patient outcomes worldwide.

Advancing Immune Monitoring: Validation of a 14-color Assay for Hematological Malignancies and Cell & Gene Therapy Trials

Explore our validated 14-color assay, a breakthrough in immune monitoring for hematological malignancies and cell & gene therapy trials. Using spectral flow cytometry, our method offers in-depth characterization of T cells, B cells, NK cells, and monocytes, crucial for global clinical trials.

The assay’s precision, demonstrated through repeatability, reproducibility, and inter-operator variability, ensures reliable data interpretation. Notably, viability dye titration and sample stability evaluations enhance the assay’s robustness.

Our commitment to advancing drug development is exemplified through this cutting-edge flow cytometry assay, providing a comprehensive and reliable tool for monitoring immune cells in peripheral whole blood across diverse clinical settings.

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