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CAR-TCR Summit Europe – Resource Pack

Interested in some of the materials that we have shown you during the CAR-TCR Summit? You can easily download all materials here in our resource pack.

Cerba Research - Ans De Beukelaer - Regional Head of Flow Cytometry

Ans De Beuckelaer

Regional Head Flow Cytometry EU

With the breakthrough of cellular immune therapies, such as CAR+ T, flow cytometry became a critical platform, not only for the clinical laboratories, but also for drug developers and manufacturers. Indeed, flow cytometry plays a crucial role in the production process of CAR+ T cells where it is used for assessing transduction efficiency, purity and characterization of the CAR+ T product before infusion. But also after manufacturing, when CAR+ T cells are infused into the patients, flow is used in clinical laboratories to assess CAR+ T expansion, efficiency and persistency and to monitor minimal residual disease (MRD).

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